lavabo d'una peça

pàgina inicial > productes > lavabo > lavabo d'una peça

totes les categories

lavabo intel·ligent
lavabo d'una peça
WC de dues peces
lavabo penjat a la paret
Set de lavabos
armari de bany
Armarra de fusta massiva
armari de bany
vanitat de bany
mirall intel·ligent
mirall de gabinet
mirall intel·ligent
cuenca de taulell
cuenca penjada a la paret
bastiment de pedestal
Tanc d'aigua i vàlvula de descàrrega

totes les categories petites

lavabo intel·ligent
lavabo d'una peça
WC de dues peces
lavabo penjat a la paret
Set de lavabos
armari de bany
Armarra de fusta massiva
armari de bany
vanitat de bany
mirall intel·ligent
mirall de gabinet
mirall intel·ligent
cuenca de taulell
cuenca penjada a la paret
bastiment de pedestal
Tanc d'aigua i vàlvula de descàrrega

bany d'hotel modern material sanitari de paviment montat trampa de rondes de una peça de color ceràmica de forma d'ou

Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
aparell sanitari de ceràmica amaze una cambra de lavabo
una peça
Estalvi d'aigua, preu competitiu, configuració definitiva, tecnologia de vidre de tubs,
estrictament qc
mètode de neteja
Rompiment sense llom
Patró de drenatge
Montat al terra
Quantitat de comanda min
fabricant de productes
disponible per als clients desitjats
ISO9001: 2000. marca d'aigua, CE, Saso, UPC
30% de dipòsit, 70% de saldo abans de l'enviament.
Envasos per a l'exportació (1pc per cartó, cartons de 5 capes per caixa de cartó)
per transport marítim/aeri/segons petició
Port de lliurament
Port de Shenzhen/Port de Shantou
temps de lliurament
D'aquí a 30-45 dies després de rebre el dipòsit del 30%
tipus d'empresa
Fabrica/fabricant d'articles sanitaris professionals
Capacitat de producció
500 conjunts/conjunts al mes
lloc d'origen
Guangdong Xina (continent)
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details

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