Komuna bat

hasiera-orria > Produktuak > Komuna > Komuna bat

Kategoria guztiak

Komun azkarra.
Komuna bat
Bi piezako komun bat.
Horma-irekitako komun bat.
Komuna bat
Komuna eta komuna
Egurrezko armairua
Komuna eta komuna
Bainuetxeko harrokeria.
Ispilu azkarra.
Argiaren ispilua
Ispilu azkarra.
Ur-azpiko arroa
mahai gaineko ontzia
Paretan zintzilikaturiko konketa
baseoaren hondoan
Ur biltegia eta uraren sargailua

Kategoria txiki guztiak

Komun azkarra.
Komuna bat
Bi piezako komun bat.
Horma-irekitako komun bat.
Komuna bat
Komuna eta komuna
Egurrezko armairua
Komuna eta komuna
Bainuetxeko harrokeria.
Ispilu azkarra.
Argiaren ispilua
Ispilu azkarra.
Ur-azpiko arroa
mahai gaineko ontzia
Paretan zintzilikaturiko konketa
baseoaren hondoan
Ur biltegia eta uraren sargailua

Hotel moderno bateko bainugela sanitarioa solairuan muntatuta S-arrastoa pieza bateko koloreko zerrafikoa arrautza forma komuneko katilua urrezko lerroarekin

Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Amez, zeru-zoruaren higiene-tresnak, komun bat.
Pieza bat.
660*430*550 mm.
Ur aurrezpena, prezio lehiakorra, konfigurazio bikaina, hodietako beira teknologia,
Garbiketa metodoa
Eremu gabeko garbiketa
lurrean ezarria
Min ordena kopurua
10 pieza
OEM bat
Bezeroak nahi ditu.
ISO9001: 2000. Ur-marka, CE, Saso, UPC.
%30eko gordailua, %70eko saldoa, bidalketaren aurretik.
esportaziorako bilgailuak (1 pcs kartoizko, 5 geruza kartutxo kartutxo bakoitzeko)
Itsasoz/hegazkinez/eskaera baten arabera
entregako portuan
Shenzhen-eko portua/Shantou-ko portua
%30eko gordailua jaso eta 30-45 egunera.
Enpresa mota
Sanitazio-tresnen fabrika/fabrikatzailea
500 multzo/hilero
Jaiotzen Lekua
Guangdong Txina (Lurralde Handia)
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details

Eskuratu Kostua Inguruz

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