Concello de Pontevedra

páxina de inicio  > Produtos > Bacia > Concello de Pontevedra

todas as categorías

baño intelixente
un baño de unha peza
baño de dúas pezas
baño colgado da parede
Conxunto de aseos
armario de baño
Armário de madeira maciza
armario de baño
Vanilidade do baño
Espejo intelixente
Espejo de armario
Espejo intelixente
Concello de Pontevedra
Bacia de parede
Bacia de pedestal
Tanque de auga e válvula de descarga

todas as categorías pequenas

baño intelixente
un baño de unha peza
baño de dúas pezas
baño colgado da parede
Conxunto de aseos
armario de baño
Armário de madeira maciza
armario de baño
Vanilidade do baño
Espejo intelixente
Espejo de armario
Espejo intelixente
Concello de Pontevedra
Bacia de parede
Bacia de pedestal
Tanque de auga e válvula de descarga

Vanity luxo ouro e negro cor hotel baño pequena arte redonda lavabo cerámica mesa superior baño lavabo lavabo de man

Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxo ouro e negro cor hotel baño pequena arte redonda lavabo cerámica mesa superior baño lavabo lavabo de man
Concha de cerámica
Artigo N°
Unha peza
Branco, negro, dourado, mármore
360*360*120 mm
Aforro de auga,prezo competitivo,configuración definitiva,tecnoloxía de vidro de tubo,
Estrictamente qc
método de enxaguamento
padrón de drenaxe
Envases de balcón
Cantidade mínima de pedido
Dispoñible para clientes desexados
ISO9001: 2000. Marca de auga, CE, SASO, UPC
30% de depósito, 70% de saldo antes do envío.
Embalaxe de exportación (1pc por cartón, 5 cartuchos por caixa de cartón)
Por vía marítima/aerotráfico/segundo petición
porto de entrega
Porto de Shenzhen/porto de Shantou
Tempo de entrega
Dentro de 30-45 días despois de recibir o depósito do 30%
Tipo de empresa
Fábrica/fabricante de artigos sanitarios profesionais
Capacidade de produción
500 conxuntos/ conxuntos por mes
Lugar de orixe
China de Guangdong (continente)
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Imaxes Detalladas
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Q1, que produtos se producen na súa empresa?
Somos un dos principais fabricantes de produtos sanitarios,como baños, lavabos,pansóns, armarios e produtos sanitarios relacionados,incluíndo servizos de parada única e os produtos relacionados.

P2:Cal é a súa política de mostra?
Podemos proporcionar a mostra se temos pezas listas en stock, pero os clientes teñen que pagar o custo da mostra e o custo do correo.

Q3, que paquete fixo a túa empresa?
aceptamos OEM para os nosos clientes e o noso paquete pode depender dos clientes que queren facer, xeralmente facemos máis forte paquete de cartón de cinco capas e estándar internacional para diferentes países require envío.

Q4, como está a calidade dos produtos da túa empresa?
Os produtos da nosa empresa todos producidos en fábrica,por tres veces control de calidade. durante a produción,despois de producir e antes do paquete. cada baño foron probados por auga para verificar. para prometer cada elemento todo ben e calidade best.we manter suave fóra e boa materia prima. só crer en nós,demos o mellor.

q5,Cal é o prazo de pagamento?
t/t 30% como depósito, e 70% antes da entrega. amosaremos as fotos dos produtos e paquetes antes de pagar o

q6,- Aceptas personalización?
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture

Obter unha Cita Gratuita

O noso representante poñerase en contacto contigo pronto.
Nome da empresa