podnožjak za radno mjesto

Glavna stranica > proizvodi > bazen > podnožjak za radno mjesto

Sve kategorije

pametni WC
WC od jednog komada
WC u dva dijela
zidno obješeni toalet
WC set
Sklopi od masovnog drveta
Vanity za kupaonicu
pametno ogledalo
Slika za odjeću
pametno ogledalo
podnožjak za radno mjesto
za objesiti u zid
rezervoar za vodu i ventil za ispiranje

Sve manje kategorije

pametni WC
WC od jednog komada
WC u dva dijela
zidno obješeni toalet
WC set
Sklopi od masovnog drveta
Vanity za kupaonicu
pametno ogledalo
Slika za odjeću
pametno ogledalo
podnožjak za radno mjesto
za objesiti u zid
rezervoar za vodu i ventil za ispiranje

Vanity Luxury hotel WC mali okrugli umjetnički umivaonik keramički stol na vrhu kupaonice umivaonik umivaonik

Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity Luxury hotel WC mali okrugli umjetnički umivaonik keramički stol na vrhu kupaonice umivaonik umivaonik
keramički sud
stavka broj.
jedan komad
Bijeli, crni, zlatni, mramor
S druge strane, za vozila s brzinom od 300 mm do 300 mm
Ušteda vode, konkurentna cijena, konačna konfiguracija, tehnologija staklenja cijevi,
strogo qc
metoda ispiranja
- Što?
obrazac drenaže
za otpadne površine
Min. količina narudžbe
10 komada
dostupno za kupce koji žele
ISO 9001:2000. vodeni znak, CE, SASO, UPC
30% depozit, 70% saldo prije isporuke.
U skladu s člankom 3. stavkom 1.
Na zahtjev
luka isporuke
U skladu s člankom 3. stavkom 1.
vrijeme isporuke
U roku od 30-45 dana nakon primitka 30% TT depozita
vrsta poslovanja
Proizvodnja/proizvoditelj profesionalnih higijenskih predmeta
proizvodni kapacitet
500 komada/komadi mjesečno
mjesto podrijetla
Kineski (kontinentalni)
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin factory
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
detaljne slike
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Q1, koje proizvode proizvodi vaša tvrtka?
Mi smo glavni proizvođač higijenskih proizvoda, kao što su toaletni, umjetno-odvodni prostori, posedajući posude, ormari i srodni higijenski proizvodi,uključujući usluge jednog mjesta i srodne proizvode.

P2:Kakva je vaša politika uzorka?
Možemo vam ponuditi uzorak ako imamo spremne dijelove na zalihama, ali kupci moraju platiti cijenu uzorka i kurirske troškove.

Q3, koji paket je tvoja tvrtka napravila?
Prihvaćamo OEM za naše kupce i naš paket sve može ovisiti o kupcima spremni napraviti, obično smo napraviti jači pet slojeva karton paketa i međunarodni standard za različite zemlje prijevoz zahtijevaju.

Q4, kakva je kvaliteta proizvoda vaše tvrtke?
Naši proizvodi su svi proizvedeni u fabrici, tri puta QC provjera. Za vrijeme proizvodnje, nakon proizvodnje i prije pakiranja. Svaki toalet je testiran vodom da provjeri. Da obećamo svaki predmet sve dobro i kvalitet najbolje.

Q5Koji su vaši rokovi plaćanja?
t/t 30% kao depozit, i 70% prije isporuke. Pokazat ćemo vam fotografije proizvoda i paketa prije nego što platite

Q6.Prihvaćate li prilagođavanje?
- Da, u redu.
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin details
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin supplier
Vanity luxury gold and black color hotel washroom small round art washbasin ceramic table top bathroom sink hand wash basin manufacture

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