सबै श्रेणीहरू

स्मार्ट शौचालय
एक टुक्रा शौचालय
दुई टुक्रा शौचालय
पर्खालमा झुण्डिएको शौचालय
शौचालय सेट
बाथरूम क्याबिनेट
ठोस काठको क्याबिनेट
बाथरूम क्याबिनेट
बाथरूम भ्यानिटी
स्मार्ट दर्पण
क्याबिनेट दर्पण
स्मार्ट दर्पण
काउन्टरटप बेसिन
पर्खालमा झुण्डिएको बेसिन
पदेस्टल बेसिन
पानी ट्यांक र फ्लश भल्भ

सबै साना श्रेणीहरू

स्मार्ट शौचालय
एक टुक्रा शौचालय
दुई टुक्रा शौचालय
पर्खालमा झुण्डिएको शौचालय
शौचालय सेट
बाथरूम क्याबिनेट
ठोस काठको क्याबिनेट
बाथरूम क्याबिनेट
बाथरूम भ्यानिटी
स्मार्ट दर्पण
क्याबिनेट दर्पण
स्मार्ट दर्पण
काउन्टरटप बेसिन
पर्खालमा झुण्डिएको बेसिन
पदेस्टल बेसिन
पानी ट्यांक र फ्लश भल्भ

अनुकूलन थोक आधुनिक अनियमितता पर्खाल ह्या hanged्ग बाथरूम मेकअप दर्पण स्मार्ट एलईडी प्रकाश दर्पण टच स्क्रीन संग

Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
अनुकूलन थोक आधुनिक अनियमितता पर्खाल ह्या hanged्ग बाथरूम मेकअप दर्पण स्मार्ट एलईडी प्रकाश दर्पण टच स्क्रीन संग
६०*६० सेमी, ७०*७० सेमी, ८०*८० सेमी
वैकल्पिक कार्यहरू
डिफोगर (अन्टी-फोग), टच स्विच, समय/तापमान, ब्लुटुथ स्पिकर, लूप
एलईडी मोडेल
पानी प्रतिरोधी उच्च आउटपुट 2835 एल ई डी, क्रि> 80,
पर्खालमा लगाइएको
ग्राहकहरु चाहन्थे लागि उपलब्ध
t/t 30% जम्मा, 70% शिपमेन्ट अघि ब्यालेन्स।
निर्यात प्याकेजिङ्ग (१pcs प्रति कार्टन,कार्टन बक्सको लागि ५-स्तरको कार्टन)
समुद्री यातायात/हवा यातायात/अनुरोध अनुसार
वितरण पोर्ट
शेन्जेन पोर्ट/शान्तो पोर्ट
डेलिभरी समय
३०-४५ दिन भित्र ३०% टीटी जम्मा प्राप्त गरेपछि
व्यवसायको प्रकार
व्यावसायिक स्वच्छता उपकरण कारखाना/निर्माता
उत्पादन क्षमता
500 सेट/ सेट प्रति माह
उत्पत्ति स्थान
गुआंग्डोंग चीन (महादेश)
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details

निःशुल्क कोट प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्

हाम्रो प्रतिनिधि चाँडै तपाईंलाई सम्पर्क गर्नेछ।
कम्पनीको नाम