tualet me një copë

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Te gjitha Kategoritë

tualet i zgjuar
tualet me një copë
tualet me dy pjesë
tualet i varur në mur
Set tualeti
kabineti i banjës
Kabinë prej druri masiv
kabineti i banjës
Vanitetin e banjës
pasqyra e mençur
pasqyra e kabinetit
pasqyra e mençur
Kuvend i banakut
vaskë me mur
Basenë me bazë
rezervuari i ujit dhe valvula e spërkatjes

Të gjitha kategoritë e vogla

tualet i zgjuar
tualet me një copë
tualet me dy pjesë
tualet i varur në mur
Set tualeti
kabineti i banjës
Kabinë prej druri masiv
kabineti i banjës
Vanitetin e banjës
pasqyra e mençur
pasqyra e kabinetit
pasqyra e mençur
Kuvend i banakut
vaskë me mur
Basenë me bazë
rezervuari i ujit dhe valvula e spërkatjes

banjo moderne hoteli pajisje sanitare dysheme montuar rrumbullakë kapak një copë ngjyrë qeramike vezë formë enë enë tualet me linjë të artë

Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
prodhimi i pajisjeve sanitare me qeramikë
të mahnitur
një copë
E bardhë
kursimi i ujit, çmimi konkurrues, konfigurimi i fundit, teknologjia e xhamit të tubave,
rreptësisht qc
Metoda e spërkatjes
spërkatje pa rrethe
Modeli i drenazhit
me dysheme
Min sasi e porosisë
10 dhëna
në dispozicion për klientët e kërkuar
ISO9001: 2000. markë uji, CE, SASO, UPC
30% depozitë, 70% bilanc para dërgimit.
Paketimi i eksportit (1 pcs për karton, kartonë me 5 shtresa për kuti kartoni)
me transport detar/ajror/sipas kërkesës
portin e dorëzimit
Port Shenzhen/Port Shantou
Koha e Dorëzimit
Brenda 30-45 ditësh pas marrjes së depozitës 30%tt
lloji i biznesit
Fabrika/prodhuesi i pajisjeve profesionale sanitare
Kapaciteti i Prodhimit
500 set/ setë në muaj
Vendi i Origjinës
Guangdong Kina (kontinental)
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line manufacture
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line supplier
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line factory
Modern hotel bathroom sanitary ware floor mounted round s trap one piece ceramic color egg shape toilet bowl with gold line details

Marrni një Ofertë Falas

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