Barcha toifalar

aqlli hojatxona
bir qismli hojatxona
ikki qismli hojatxona
devorga osib qoʻyilgan hojatxona
hojatxona toʻplami
hammom shkafi
qattiq yog 'och idish
hammom shkafi
Hammom vaniti
aqlli koʻzgu
kabinet koʻzgu
aqlli koʻzgu
stol usti idishi
devorga osiladigan havza
poydevorli havza
suv idishi va suvni chiqarib tashlash klaviaturi

Barcha kichik toifalar

aqlli hojatxona
bir qismli hojatxona
ikki qismli hojatxona
devorga osib qoʻyilgan hojatxona
hojatxona toʻplami
hammom shkafi
qattiq yog 'och idish
hammom shkafi
Hammom vaniti
aqlli koʻzgu
kabinet koʻzgu
aqlli koʻzgu
stol usti idishi
devorga osiladigan havza
poydevorli havza
suv idishi va suvni chiqarib tashlash klaviaturi

maxsus ulgurji zamonaviy toʻgʻri emasligi devorga osib qoʻyilgan hammom boʻyoq oʻyin-kulgi oyna smart LED yorugʻlik oyna teginish ekrani bilan

Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
maxsus ulgurji zamonaviy toʻgʻri emasligi devorga osib qoʻyilgan hammom boʻyoq oʻyin-kulgi oyna smart LED yorugʻlik oyna teginish ekrani bilan
hayratda qoldirish
60*60cm, 70*70cm, 80*80cm
ixtiyoriy funktsiyalar
defogger ((to'lqinga qarshi), tegishli tugma, vaqt/harorat, bluetooth karnaylari, kattalashtirgich
LED modeli
suv o'tkazmaydigan yuqori quvvati 2835 LED, kri> 80
devorga o'rnatilgan
talab qilingan mijozlar uchun mavjud
30% depozit, jo'natishdan oldin 70% balans.
eksport uchun qadoqlash (karton uchun 1 dona, karton qutisi uchun 5 qatlamli karton)
dengiz / havo transporti bilan / so'rov bo'yicha
yetkazib berish porti
Shenzhen porti/Shantou porti
Yetkazib berish vaqti
30% TT depozitini olganidan keyin 30-45 kun ichida
biznes turi
Sanitar materiallar ishlab chiqaruvchi/ishlab chiqaruvchi
Ishlab chiqarish quvvati
Oylik 500 set/set
Yetkazib beriladigan joy
Gvandong Xitoy (ularning qitʼasi)
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen factory
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen supplier
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen manufacture
Custom wholesale modern irregularity wall hung bathroom makeup mirror with smart led light mirror touch screen details

Bepul taklif oling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
Kompaniya nomi